Human Rights Commitment

Dear Valued Partner,
In respect of the HRBA (Human Rights Based Approach) which follows the International Laws, GSR Technology Italy S.r.l. asks all its Partners, customers, suppliers and their supply chains, the unconditional and essential respect of Human Rights. The aforementioned is an extremely sensitive and universal issue, therefore, we would like to emphasize the rules we implemented for the respect of human rights. In particular, what we are already and will keep doing in our company and in our supply chain:

  • We identify risks
  • We develop a human rights strategy for our common wellbeing
  • We define and embed appropriate management responsibilities with respect to Human Rights
  • We integrate human rights into our company's activities

GSR Technology Italy S.r.l. operates in the utmost certainty that all our business Partners, that is, both customers and suppliers, must implement Human Rights policies and procedures aimed to prevent any applicable Human Rights risk when carrying out their activities not only internally, but also when engaging with other businesses and, in general, with the public.

The above-mentioned Human Rights risks include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Modern slavery, which is an umbrella term covering practices such as forced labor, debt bondage, child labor, forced marriage and human trafficking.
  • Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people through force fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them to profit.
  • Child labor refers to work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children and/or interferes with their schooling. Child labor also refers to employment of children who are under aged to work and/or involves excessively long and heavy work as determined by laws of a state.
  • Forced labor (or compulsory labor) refers to situations in which people are coerced to work, such as through the use of violence or intimidation, by manipulated debt, retention of identity papers, excessive overtime or threats of denunciation to immigration authorities.

GSR Technology Italy S.r.l. trusts your company and values your precious cooperation so that all Human Rights get rigorously pursued and respected by all of us.

GSR Technology Italy S.r.l


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